
Showing posts from March, 2004

A barázdán is csomót! / Crate Soul Brothers radio show (2004.03.25. 22-00h)

on the 1&2s: dj Keyser

1. Sena feat. Marcel - Talk (Gimmeshot)
2. London Elektricity - Rewind (live) (Hospital)
3. Amp Fiddler - Possibilities (Genuine)
4. DJ P-Nice - Small Stone Houses (Naked Beats)
5. Blockhead - Insomniac Olympics (Ninja Tune)
6. Danny Breaks - Down By Law (Alphabet Zoo)
7. Marcel feat. Conrad - I Like To Tell Ya Things (Cookin)
8. Lomb - unknown (cdr)
9. 7 Samurai - Bluesanova (GAMM)
10. 12th Floor - Take It Back (Wah Wah)
12. Red Astaire - The Get Down (GAMM)
13. The Mighty Gorilla - A Charmed Funk (bootleg)
14. Grooveman Spot - Voyage The Sky - Grooveman Spot remix (Kriztal Entertainment)
15. Bergendy Group - The Right Direction - The Mighty Gorilla reedit (cdr)
16. Forms of Plasticity - Doombap - Crate Soul Brothers remix (Universal Jazz)
17. Zagar - Bossa Astoria - Erik Sumo rework (UGAR)
18. Crate Soul Brothers - Flyin' Down To Rio (Perfect.Toy)

19. The Five Corners Quintet - The Devil Kicks (Ricky Tick)
20. Joe Nay & Fritz Pauer - Beta Draco (JCR)
21. Ronnie Ross - Cleopatra's Needle (Universal Jazz)
22. Coxless Pair - Insight - Conscious mix (Cosmic Sounds)
23. Janko Nilovic - Giant Locomotion - Simbad remix (Cosmic Sounds)
24. Mark de Clive-Lowe - Move On Up - Bugz Opaque remix (Bitasweet)
25. London Elektricity - Do You Believe (live) (Hospital)
26. Fat Freddy's Drop - Ernie (live) (Best Seven)

(bold - Hungarian productions)

A barázdán is csomót! / Crate Soul Brothers radio show (2004.03.18. 22-00h)

djs: Shuriken + Keyser

1. Grencsó Surprise Kollektiv - Marabu / Dzsungel (KVB)
2. Fitchie + Joe Dukie - This Room (Best Seven)
3. Amp Fiddler - Unconditional Eyes (Genuine)
4. Jeru The Damaja - Come Clean (Payday)
5. Danny Breaks - Another Dimension (Alphabet Zoo)
6. Blockhead - Carnivores Unite (Ninja Tune)
7. Only Child feat. Kriminul - I've Got A Right (Grand Central)
8. J-Zone - Zone for President (Old Maid)
9. Marcel - Gamblers' Delight (Cookin)
10. Sena - Demon (Gimmeshot)
11. Shabaam Shadeeq - Side 2 Side (SSR)
12. Red Astaire - B-Boy (GAMM)
13. Zalatnay Sarolta - Adj egy percet (Pepita)
14. Blackgrass - Score (Catskills)
15. Hans Koller - The Twister (Moonstarr Remix) (Universal Jazz)
16. Marcel - This is Deep (Cookin)
17. V/A-Inside Scandinavia - A1 (Raw Fusion)
18. Johny Darkos - Supreme Love (GAMM)
19. Herbert - The Audience (!K7)
20. The Mighty Bop - L'Homme Qui Valait 3 Milliards (BMG)
21. United Future Organization - Dice For A Chance (Talkin Loud)
22. Jackson 5 - Almost There - DJ Spinna remix (?)
23. Jermaine Jackson - Come Into My Life (Motown)
24. Second Direction - Peace (Spinning Wheel)
25. Alice Coltrane - Morning Worship (Impulse)
26. Wolfgang Lauth Sextet - Intrada (JCR)
27. Amon Tobin - Stoney Street (Ninja Tune)
28. The Five Corners Quintet - Three Corners (Ricky Tick)
29. Piero Piccioni - Just For Fun (Schema)
30. Harry Beckett - Rolli's Tune (Universal Jazz)

A barázdán is csomót! / Crate Soul Brothers radio show (2004.03.11. 22-00h)

DJ "Lonely" Keyser sings the blues


1. Fat Freddy's Drop - Ernie (Best Seven)
2. DJ P-Nice - Needle's Drop (cdr)
3. Amp Fiddler - I Believe In You (Genuine)
4. Red Astaire - Rollin' Stone (GAMM)
5. Sebi - Git Down (GAMM)
6. Danny Breaks - Down By Law (Alphabet Zoo)
7. Biggabush - Throwdown (Stereo Deluxe)
8. Erik Sumo vs Haze - Drakula (cdr)
9. Marcel - Jealous (Good Looking)
10. Sena - Bigface (Gimmeshot)

11. Beans - Mutescreamer - Prefuse 73 mix (Warp)
12. Black Grass - Easy (Catskills)
13. Speech Defect - I Wanna Do My Thing (GAMM)
14. Johnny Darkos - Wargames (GAMM)
15. Crate Soul Brothers - Swinging with Miss Goodnight - Modul rmx (Ohm)
16. Lomb - unknown (cdr)
17. Jerome Richardson - Minor Flute - Panoptikum remix (Cosmic Sounds)
18. Forms of Plasticity - Doomdap - Crate Soul Brothers mix (Universal Jazz cdr)

19. Janko Nilovic - Giant Locomotion - Simbad mix (Cosmic Sounds)
20. Inverse Cinematics - Shoot The Pianist Pt 1 (Fluid Ounce)
21. Beanfield feat. Bajka - Tides - Carl Craig remix (Compost)
22. Hans Koller Ensemble - Casa Loma (JCR)

23. The Five Corners Quintet - The Devil Kicks (Ricky Tick)

(bold - Hungarian productions)

The Herbaliser + Hipnosis @ Sound On Ultra Loud

2004. március 27., 22-04h
Budapest, A38 állóhajó

Belépő: elővételben 2000 Ft (Deep, Trancewave, A38) / a helyszínen 2400 Ft
Infovonal: (06-1) 464-3940

Jake Wherry (The Herbaliser / Ninja Tune / London)
Hipnosis (Perfect.Toy / München) – élő koncert
Keyser & Shuriken (Crate Soul Brothers)

Visuals: Lee Unflyable & Kiégő Izzók

A Sound On Ultra Loud klubesteket a Crate Soul Brothers kollektíva –Keyser, Shuriken, Erik Sumo & Lee n’gum – és az A38 közösen szervezi. Az estek célja, hogy olyan nemzetközi és hazai dj-ket, illetve zenekarokat mutassunk be, akik mind a különféle elektronikus zenei stílusokban, mind az ezek alapjait jelentő jazz, funk, soul, afrobeat, latin jazz, brazil és egyéb zenék terén otthonosan mozognak.

Jake Wherry (The Herbaliser)
A Herbaliser ötlete a mackós Jake Wherry és a lemezjátszóista ufó Ollie Teeba fejéből pattant ki hosszú évekkel ezelőtt. Az 1960-as évek kémfilmzenéin, mocskos funkon, forgalmi zavarokat okozó hangerővel bömbölő hip hop-on nevelkedett duó a The Remedies és a Blow Your Headphones című albumokkal már az 1990-es évek közepén beírták magukat a füstös, bólogatós zenék nagykönyvébe, és azóta is a Ninja Tune kiadó büszkeségeinek számítanak.

A Very Mercenary című harmadik nagylemezhez készült, egy elveszett bőröndről szóló videójukat már minden normális zenetévé rongyosra játszotta, és a fiúk előmásztak a london egyik külvárosának vasúti sínei mentén fekvő titkos bázisukról, hogy nagyzenekarrá kiegészülve járják be a világ – többek között Budapest - színpadait. DJ-ként is jártak már nálunk, és aki ott volt, tudja, hogy Jake legalább olyan szigorú mestere a lemezjátszónak és a lemezeket rejtő poros ládáknak, mint a basszusgitárnak.

Az azóta elkészült a Something Wicked This Way Comes című negyedik albumot és a nemrég a „Solid Steel” sorozatban megjelent mixlemezt meghallgatva kijelenthető: a londoni srácok még mindig a legsúlyosabb, funkkal és dzsesszel megpakolt hiphopot játsszák, mind dj-szettjeikben, mind az élő fellépéseken.


A müncheni Hipnosis együttes első albuma tavaly tavasszal jelent meg a német Perfect Toy kiadó gondozásában. Az alapvetően az 1960-as és ’70-es évek funk, soul és jazz zenéjéből merítő új, elektronikus produkciókkal foglalkozó lemezkiadó nem tévedett, amikor felkarolta a teljesen akusztikus jazz zenekar anyagát. Amellett, hogy a lemez rögtön meleg fogadtatásra talált a nemzetközi dzsessz körökben, a klubok elektronikus tánczenéhez szokott közönsége is jól fogadta a modális jazz, groove jazz és free jazz elemekből táplálkozó számokat. Ebben nyilván szerepe volt a Mitchell & Dewbury és a Gerardo Frisina által készített remixeknek is.

Az együttes koncerteken többnyire saját szerzeményeit játssza, melyek hangsúlysos, domináns, fülbemászó témákra épülnek. Bár zenéjük szerkezete összetett, mégis erősen dallam-centrikus, s a finoman szőtt ritmikus alapok sokszor idéznek tánczenei ütemeket.

A barázdán is csomót! / Crate Soul Brothers radio show (2004.03.04. 22-00h)

DJz: Keyser & Shuriken + special guest Suhaid

01. Blockhead - Tryptich Pt 3 (Ninja Tune)
02. Overproof Soundsystem - Herb Dub (Different Drummer)
03. Al-Haca Sound System feat. RQM - We Sick (Different Drummer)
04. Marcel - Solitudo 3 (Cookin)
05. Black Grass - Score (Catskills)
06. Erik Sumo vs Haze - Drakula (cdr)
07. Shabaam Sahdeeq - Side 2 Side (Crammed Discs)
08. Omega - A jövendőmondó (Pepita)
09. Cheech and Chong - Vietnam (Warner)
10. DJ First Rate - 11 Hits From the Bong Loop (Second To None)
11. Akbar - Driftin' Thru Space (Ill Boogie)
12. Prince Paul - What You Got (The Demo) feat. Breeze (Tommy Boy)
13. Blockhead - Carnivores Unite (Ninja Tune)
14. Kid Loco - Alone Again So (Yellow)
15. Marcel feat. Conrad - I Like To Tell Ya Things (Cookin)
16. Donald Byrd - Black Byrd (Blue Note)
17. Zagar - Bossa Astoria - Erik Sumo remix (UGAR cdr)
18. Crate Soul Brothers - Flyin Down To Rio (Perfect.Toy)
19. Forms of Plasticity - Doomdap - Crate Soul Brothers rmx (Universal Jazz cdr)
20. Frankie Valentine feat. Mandingo - Merengada (Vocal Dub) (Spot)
21. Zimpala - Can't Fall Asleep - Gerd 4Lux remix (Zimpala)
22. Blissom & Ashen - Carchaser (Spot)
23. The Five Corners Quintet - The Devil Kicks (Ricky Tick)
24. ?
25. Groove Thing - King (Buter Foundation rmx) (Eight ball)
25. Ty - Mind Made Up (Big Dada)
26. Blackgrass - Going Home (Caskills)
27. The Jazz Crusaders - Hey Jude (Pacific Jazz)
28. Gabor Szabo - It Was A Very Good Year (Impulse!)
29. Lacks - Compassion (Shaman Work)
28. Grooveman Spot - Voyage The Sky - Grooveman Spot remix (Kriztal Entertainment)
29. Lacks - Heavyweights (Shaman Work)
30. Marcel - ? (white)
31. Pete Philly & Perquisite - Motivated (Unexpected)

Crate Soul Brothers newsletter #110: A deep groove that makes you fly high

Dear friends,

Just when you thought we were gone, we are back with another newsletter. Judging by our first two months you shall not be afraid of Crate Soul news blocking your mailbox in 2004. Instead of following the time as measured by expensive Swiss watches with posting our good news from Hungary, this year we'll take you by surprise each and every time. But the unpredictable, rare and delicate moments of hungarospam will keep on coming.

Thing are looking good indeed. Working hard last autumn and winter on promoting events seems to finally have caught the attention of a new generation of people. Boys and girls in their early twenties started coming to our nights and bugging out to slow funk and syncopated jazz beats. In the last few months we had excellent nights with fabulous dj guests such as Rainer Trüby, Quantic, Mad Mats and Nicola Conte and more and more hundreds of people going mad on the dancefloors. Thank you guys for all those brilliant music! There is more to come.

Things are also catching up on the production front: our latest Crate Soul Brothers tune (Flying Down to Rio) is already getting spins from respected djs like Tom Wieland, Nicola Conte, Rainer Trüby, Dom Servini, Toshio Matsuura, Painé and DJ Spider. The track hit the stores a few days ago on a 12" and a compilation by Tom Wieland entitled Panorama (Perfect Toy) before the white labels wear out (those who have the white label please keep in mind that the two tracks on the info sheet are changed). Another Crate Soul 12" (Swinging with Miss Goodnight) shall be out soon on the Italian Ohm label featuring a breakneck hip hop version by Modul (aka dj Mango, a Hungarian friend and turntablist of dZihan & Kamien live band) and a broken free jazz mix by Panoptikum. On top of all this, we have just finished a stomping remix for Forms of Plasticity (soon to be out on a Universal Jazz 12" with a dZihan & Kamien mix).

We are getting busy writing about music to different Hungarian magazines as well: Keyser started a monthly column about fresh 12"s in the Check music magazine while both brothers write about new albums and spread the vibes in Fontos! cultural magazine.

The Hungarian scene is definitely blowing up internationally this year: watch out for the new album of Marcel (aka Carmel) on Good Looking soon, expect a full-length debut by Erik Sumo (our Crate Soul bro of „I'm just a woman" fame) and the long awaited second album by Yonderboi later this year. We've also heard gossiping about an international release of Sena's 'First One' album produced by the cream of the Hungarian underground (among others: Marcel, Modul, Yonderboi, Superbeat, Zagar). Sena is a very talented female singer and MC inspired by soul, jazz and hip hop. The Hungarian version of the album was very well received all around our local scene, with most of the highlights already played in our radio show. But we'll keep you informed on these bits anyway.

Read Gary McFarland about reaching that cosmic groove during the making of the tune Simpatico for the album of the same title with Gabor Szabo:

"It was toward the close of a double session. We were all very tired and we were trying a number of different songs, but they weren't working out. Finally we got to this traditional pattern - as traditional to latin music as blues changes are to jazz. […] We took the tempo down, and we got a really groovy feeling. In fact, we got into the kind of trance that all latin players aim for. For that matter, all players try for that deep groove - from John Coltrane to Ravi Shankar. If you get it, you lock it in, and you feel as if you're flying along at 30,000 feet, cruising all the way."

from the liner notes of Gary McFarland and Gabor Szabo - Sympatico (Impulse!)

Keep on cruising high till whenever our next newsletters happen to hit your mailbox,

Keyser & Shuriken (Crate Soul Brothers)

Keyser & Shuriken chart 03/2004

1. Five Corners Quintet - The Devils Kicks (Ricky Tick)
2. 7 Samurai - Bluesanova (G.A.M.M.)
3. Oscar Sulley - Bukem Mashie - Quantic remix (Soundway)
4. Neptune Alpha Base Massive - Saturn Radio EP (Further Out)
5. DKD - Future Rage (Bitasweet/2000 Black)
6. Nik Weston presents Sakura Aural Bliss sampler (Kriztal Entertainment)
7. Blissom & Ashen - Mr. Tran Travels in Sound EP Part 1 (Spot)
8. Zimpala - Can't Fall Asleep - Gerd 4Lux remix (Zimpala)
9. Forms of Plasticity - Doombap - Crate Soul Brothers remix (cdr)
10. Nostalgia 77 - Songs for My Funeral (Tru Thoughts LP)
11. Blockhead - Music by Cavelight (Ninja Tune LP)
12. Fat Freddy's Drop - Live At The Matterhorn (Fat Freddy's Drop LP)
13. Dani Siciliano - Likes (!K7 LP)
14. Gerardo Frisina - Hi Note (Schema LP)
15. New Sector Movements - Turn It Up (Virgin LP)